Landscape based conservation work is a collective-collaborative -collegiality work, cross multi- stakeholder interest, cross production and natural landscape and cross-disciplinary science. Conservation work success be determined by how effectively the work of stakeholder can be guarded, both with civil society, along with bureaucrats in the province, district, village, religious institutions, customary institutions, hamlet, clan, both formal or informal local leader , business actors in various fields. Forest dependent communities are appropriately positioned as part of the conservation area management solution. They should be and are appropriately treated as subjects with a more humanity. They are part of the nation and is entitled to achieve equitable prosperity. They should be involved in every stage of the process of forest management or protected areas management . To make happen "mental transformation" in all components of nation, including the reform of the "government bureaucracy engine"

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sumatera Adalah Bagian Ekosistim Kritis Global dan Pilihan Ruang Investasi Konservasi


Sumatera adalah satu pusat lokasi keanekaragaman hayati global – yaitu kawasan yang mempunyai lebih dari 60 persen keanekaragaman spesies terestrial didalam wilayah seluas 1,4 persen dari luas permukaan bumi.  Sumatera adalah bagian dari Hotspot Sundaland meliputi setengah bagian barat dari kepulauan Indonesia, yaitu suatu kelompok 17.000 pulau terhampar sepanjang 5.000 kilometer di katulistiwa dan terletak di antara benua Asia dan Australia. Hotspot ini mencakup beberapa pulau-pulau terbesar di dunia dan berbatasan dengan tiga hotspot lainnya: Wallacea di bagian timur, Indo-Burma di bagian barat, dan Filipina di bagian utara. Secara keseluruhan, keempat pusat lokasi ini merupakan satu dari dua konsentrasi terbesar keanekaragaman spesies darat dan air tawar di Bumi – sedangkan satu lagi terdapat di sebelah utara Amerika Selatan.